high performance liquid chromatography, broad peaks

Factors affecting column efficiency in HPLC

The column or stationary phase selection is the most significant advance in analytical method development. Without a column, which is stable and high performance, the development of a reproducible and rugged method is not possible. The selection of the column is done based on information about the nature and analysis of solutes.

Usually, a lengthy column gives improved separation because of higher theoretical plate numbers. A column with a 5-µm particle size provides good reproducibility, efficiency, and reliability.The column efficiency is reported as the number of theoretical plates. The efficiency of the column in HPLC is dependent on various factors; some factors that affect column efficiency in HPLC are given below.

  • The activity of the adsorbent
  • Column length
  • The dimension of the column
  • The flow rate of the system
  • Packing of the column
  • Particle diameter
  • Particle size distribution
  • Quality of solvents
  • The temperature of the column


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