A laminar flow cabinet, laminar flow chamber or laminar flow hood is a receptacle in a generally prismatic shape with a single free face (the front) that gives access to the interior, where the work surface is located, which normally remains clean and clean. sterile.

Inside these cabinets or hoods, semiconductor wafers, cell cultures, biological samples, or any other system that must be kept clean and contamination from tiny particles must be avoided. Its closure system is carefully designed to avoid contamination of the Air is extracted through a HEPA filter and insufflated in the form of a laminar flow, very smooth, towards the user. The cabinet is generally constructed of stainless steel, with no gaps or joints where spores can collect.

Hoods of this type exist in both horizontal and vertical configurations, depending on whether the filter position is at the top or at the rear.2 There are many different types of cabinets with a variety of airflow patterns and different uses. The regulatory standard that establishes the commonly accepted standard for these cabinets is the NSF49 standard.

Laminar flow cabinets can have an ultraviolet-C ray lamp with germicidal action to sterilize the enclosure and its contents, when not in use. It is important to turn off the lamp while using the booth, as it will quickly cause sunburn to exposed skin, and can also cause eye cataracts.)


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