What is chemical compound? Nowadays chemical compounds have a wide use both in the home and in personal hygiene. By making products such as soaps, creams, shampoo, disinfectants. In this sense, their study acquires relevance since they are manufactured to satisfy the needs of human beings.
What is a chemical compound?
It is conceived as a compound to a substance resulting from the union of two or more different elements that are located in the periodic table. Who are held together due to intermolecular forces and by their bonds. They are represented by abbreviations standardized by the international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC).
Using the standardized abbreviations of the chemical elements and subscripts to indicate the number of atoms involved. Consisting of symbols of elements. By coefficients and subscripts, that is, the information of the atoms that compose it.
What is a compound and its examples?
It is the formation of a substance, by combining two or more different elements. That is, they involve atoms, molecules or ions that have stable bonds. They have fixed proportions of in terms of their stoichiometry. They can be transformed into substances each with fewer atoms. Under the influence of the reaction.
A variety of chemical compounds has an assigned identification number. A unique, differentiated structure that is held together by chemical bonds. They can be molecular, inter-metallic. Water is an example of this through its composition. They are separated not by physical processes but by chemical ones.
Both elements and compounds have different properties. Each compound has a name and a formula. Now some examples may be: some metallic or non-metallic oxide, chlorine.
Disinfectant, body cream, styling, shampoo, kitchen, bidet or ceramic cleaner, cooking salt, self-polishing waxes. Sodium chloride (NaCl), carbon dioxide (CO2), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), methane (CH4), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10), benzene (C6H6).
What are the different types of compounds?
There are several types of compounds, depending on those that cater to the type of chemical bond and those that cater to the composition. So, according to their chemical bond, we have the molecules, united by covalent bonds. Ionic compounds, attached by an ionic bond. Intermetallics, together by a metal bond and complexes.
Some are held together by a covalent coordinated bond. By their composition, they are divided into two:

Inorganic compounds
Such as basic or metal oxides, formed by a metal plus oxygen. Acidic or non-metallic oxides, formed by a non-metal and oxygen. Hydrides, are metallic and also non-metallic, formed by an electropositive element [H-] with a metal, ionic hydrides. The formation of hydrides with [H-] attached to a non-metal.
In the hydroacids or acids, they are the result of the combination of a halogen with hydrogen. In hydroxides or bases, by the union of the oxidyl ion (OH)-, next to a metal cation. The oxacids, containing a cation (H)+ linked to a negative polyatomic ion (ClO4)-. Salts: Neutral, a non-metal plus a non-metal.
Basic, acidic, double. Oxysales, formed by a hydroxide attached to an oxacid.
Organic compounds
Aliphatic, (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, acyclic), formed by carbon and hydrogen. Aromatic (cyclic), with a lot of stability due to electron delocalization. Heterocyclic, they are cyclic and one of the elements is different from carbon. Compounds with oxygen, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, carboxylic acids.
Compounds with nitrogen, amines, amides, nitriles. Polymers are giant molecules that share electrons with a metal atom. They are called monomers.
According to the numbers of elements that constitute it
Compounds are called binary, ternary, quaternary. In addition to being called as salts, acids, bases, oxides, hydroxides.

What are elements and compounds?
A chemical element is a substance made up of the same number of atoms. Using the chemical reaction they are not separated into simpler ones. A material composed of a single atom. It combines to give various compounds. They are the result of subjecting a compound to different chemical processes.
They use symbols for their identification accompanied with letters, numbers. 118 elements have been discovered, 80 are very stable, 18 are radioactive. They can be free in nature as atoms or bound by bonds as molecules. It is the smallest particle. Different types of elements can form monoatomic molecules.
Diatomic, ionic compounds, molecular compounds, hydrates. Whereas a compound is formed by two or more elements. They are the result of the union of two or more chemical elements. Their combination is in exact quantities by means of links. They can be transformed into simple substances (elements), by chemical reactions.
They have their own name and formula. Both elements and compounds have different properties.
Characteristics of the chemical compound
This section involves organic, inorganic, molecular and ionic compounds.
Characteristics of organic compounds
They are good fuels because most of the substances those that undergo combustion are of organic origin. They present more interactions and therefore its melting and boiling temperature are low. Property non-polarity gives organic compounds to be insoluble in water. The polar, dissolve in water.
Characteristics of inorganic compounds
They are made up of atoms of two or more different elements. They have no carbon in their conformation. Consisting of non-metals or hydrogen combined with a metal. They are classified into covalent and coordination ionic. As for electronegativity, if the bound atom is above 1.7 eV the compound will be ionic below this is covalent.
Characteristics of molecular compounds
It is formed by the union of a non-metal plus hydrogen. It they hold together due to covalent bonds. They perform the sharing of electrons. With low melting point, boiling, hardness, conduction of electricity, heat. They can be found in solid, liquid and gaseous states.
Characteristics of ionic compounds
Electrostatic forces hold them together. They are agglomerated structures with certain geometric shapes. Anions and cations are attracted within the crystal lattice. They are solid at a temperature of one atmosphere and 25 °C. They are solid at 1 atm of pressure and at 25 ºC. They have a high boiling and melting temperature.
They have high boiling and melting temperatures. Be conductors of electric current. Water is its main solvent.
What is a chemical compound?, the answer to this question you got in this section extensively, I hope it has served you.