What is the separation funnel for?, serves to separate liquids that do not mix. The fundamental instrument for the application of this technique is the separation funnel. An organic chemistry laboratory object of great importance to achieve any research that warrants its use.
Who invented the separation funnel?
At present it has not yet been specified who invented this instrument, the exact moment in history it was created. Which can to arouse different discernments or debates. Will be used as the basis for the subsequent assertions the deduction. In our judgment to try to elucidate the closeness to that moment.
📌Before Christ
After the review of different readings it is considered that the hypothetical chronology of when the funnel of separation. It could have been in the following way, after verifying that in the bibliographies it is read that in the time before Christ, in the year 142 is where the indications are found of their possible appearance.
📌 In the ancient age
It got the scientist Brandon Kochn to be the the architect of its creation as a liquid container. Meanwhile, the it was the Greek Archimedes who invented the idea in ancient times. Be logical to think about it because in the middle ages there were already laboratories a sneak. Where they applied distillation techniques, handled the art of mold the glass among other things.
📌 In the Moderna
At the beginning of the nineteenth century there was the birth of laboratories outside the underground and the development of experimental science. The apogee of chemistry and medicine arose where the research of the today called father of chemistry stands out. The scientist Berzelius Jacob to whom its creation is attributed in 1814, when he describes it as a boiling tube.
However, Faraday Michael in the year 1827 points out that such a tube would be more efficient if it were smaller in size for chemical reactions.
📌Moderna epoca
Closer to the present in the year 1914, he settled in Malaga – Spain. Records of an instrument named blown glass cylindrical shaped decanting funnel with lid and stopcock. It is presumed that the funnel has undergone modifications, which is reflected in its various forms of names such as: cylindrical decantation funnel, ampoule or decantation pear.
Boiling tube, separation or decantation funnel, decantation test tube. It is presumed that with the development of experimental science new instruments are manufactured and existing ones are modified. In order to adapt them to the requirements of the time. Based on the description found in Spain where you can see his photograph.
📌 What is a separation funnel?
The decantation funnel is a glass instrument found in laboratories. Which has several names since its invention to the present day. It is known as inverted pear, cylindrical decantation funnel, decantation ampoule, separation funnel, boiling tube, decantation test tube, decantation test tube.
What is the separation funnel for?, it is used to separate liquids that do not mix, which have different properties and densities. They are made of glass or plastic material. They are used by using the extraction technique and in which it rests on a metal ring attached to a universal support. In the separation of liquids occurs by gravity and at least there are two participants.
Extraction is applied some solutes from a sample of water, solutions (fuels, soil, ash, vegetable). It is a container that has two drains, the first with a wide mouth with a plug. Meanwhile the second is a narrow tube. The plug is used for the removal of gases and to enclose liquids to be stirred.
A stopcock to allow the liquid to exit. In the funnel two phases can be observed one aqueous and one organic, the denser is take out through the tap and the less dense through the wide mouth.
📌Using the separation funnel
What is the separation funnel for? The uses of the separation funnel are varied and depend on the research activity being carried out. It is then used to separate two liquids that do not unite, do not mix, are insoluble. Its use is almost exclusive in laboratories. In non-polar solutions attached to the universal solvent to remove contaminants as in quality control.
To obtain essential oils or essences, salts, water-soluble compounds taking into account their density. Obtaining a component from an organic compound. To achieve the separation of a soluble analyte through plant matter.
📌Parts of the separation funnel
It can be said that it consists of three parts an upper one where there is a wide mouth that is attached to a stopper. Then the wide mouth serves for introduction of the substances to be mixed. Also to pour one of the liquids once the separation has been carried out. The stopper is used to enclose the substances inside the separation funnel.
What is the separation funnel for? it serves to let out the gases formed in the agitation of the substance. The intermediate part is the body of the instrument in which the upper part is rounded and the lower part is narrow. There the exchange takes place, the formation of the phases that can be visualized after being at rest. The lower part is composed of a narrow tube through which the substance exits.
Intercepted by a stopcock that opens the flow of the liquid and closes it.
📌Separation funnel caution
The precautions are based on the minimization of errors in the experience, before, during and after the experimentation. Before the start of the practice, the risk prevention system for what should be considered comes into play here. Having the necessary elements before an event that presents itself as an extinguisher, blanket extinguishes fire.
If possible, use the gas hood for the handling of hazardous substances. To make aware that the manipulation of the separation funnel using manual agitation can generate possible contacts with chemical products. With projections of liquids and inhalations of concentration vapors when removing the instrument plug.
Protective clothing such as safety glasses, gloves, lab coat must be worn. In practice, heat the water or oil bath as soon as you enter the laboratory to the temperature that ensures the boiling point of the solvent. Ensure a cooling system in case there is a failure with the water.
The waste must be deposited in the indicated container. Check the funnel key, if it is frosted lubricate it with silicone. The funnel is filled three quarters of the solution for efficient mixing. The agitation is executed to mix the liquids, separate the phases and obtain good results.
Stirring should be careful so that there are no spills and for 10 or 20 seconds.
What is the separation funnel for? To perform solute extractions, to explain the phase partition, to separate non-soluble liquids, to obtain pigments, essences and oils. I hope you liked the content, check it as many times as you need.