Holographic Microscope And Its Comparison With The Optical Microscope

  1. What is the holographic microscope? 🔬🧑‍🔬
  2. Fundamental principle of holographic microscope 🔬🦠
  3. Uses and applications of holographic microscopy 🔬💚
  4. Advantages of holographic microscope 🧡🧪
  5. History of holographic microscopy

In the field of scientific research there are many advances that have arisen since the appearance of optical microscope. This invention it marked what is a before and after in the way of looking at life in general. Since it opened up a wide field of vision in dimensions that we didn't know. From then on, we have only sought to improve this instrument and it has been modified to discover new ways of studying the subject.

Be surprised by the advances around the holographic microscope.

What is the holographic microscope? 🔬🧑‍🔬

It is a type of microscope that uses digital holography for non-invasive quantification and visualization, that is, without compromising cell integrity in living cells. It can be said that holographic microscopy is the most common way to obtain quantitative phase images.

To better understand this concept we must define that the traditional holography engrave a hologram on a photograph plate.
Obtaining the holographic type image by illuminating this engraving with the same laser that was used to create it. In contrast to this, digital holography has allowed the image to be created digitally. Through a computer that it generates two images, one of phase and the other of amplitude or intensity. Obtaining the the main information of the phase because the cells are transparent.

holographic microscope

Fundamental principle of holographic microscope 🔬🦠

This method adapted to microscopic equipment is distinguished from others because it does not record an imaging of the object. If not that some information is generated with the light wave hitting the object what is recorded as a hologram. So from this point one computer creates the image using a reconstruction algorithm based on number. That is, the image display lens used in
other microscopes. In this is replaced by a digital algorithm computer.

This holography technique was invented to improve the electron microscopy by Dennis Gabor. But he never managed to find in there are not many industrial or scientific applications of this modality. Be rather strange that at present holography was adapted in a way splendid to the optical microscopy.

Uses and applications of holographic microscopy 🔬💚

Three-dimensional characterization of samples chemical or technical.Quantitatively characterize cells vivas.Se it is usually used in laboratories industrialists or academics.Unlabeled live cell counts in cultures cell.Cell viability analysis.Unlabeled cell cycle analysis.Observation of cell morphology without label. Flow cytometry and characterization of particle. 3D topography of cell surfaces.

Advantages of holographic microscope 🧡🧪

Phase change imaging which is unique for this type of microscope.It allows to quantify and visualize transparent objects.It throws out three-dimensional information.Corrects optical aberrationspossess a low cost of operation.

History of holographic microscopy

The first advances in terms of changing the photographic hologram used in traditional or classical holography. For the recording of the digital hologram and its numerical reconstruction occurred between 1960s and 1970s. Being channeled these improvements depending on the microscopy electronics but in these decades computers were very slow. For what its recording capabilities were very limited, which made it unfeasible its usefulness in practice. Reasons why digital holography after his appearance, he had a prolonged hibernation.

It was for the middle of the 90s when the computers and digital sensors reached the level necessary for the reconstruction of images with quality. However, they still lacked density and pixel numbering for high quality. Then for the beginning of the century Then digital cameras made their appearance. Which expanded the demand for sensors with a large number of pixels at a low cost. So for 2010 it it boosted the market for affordable imaging sensors.

Now that you know the advances of the holographic microscope and its comparison with the optical microscope. You can find out much more about the microscopic world in our other publications.


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