What is the durometer

What is a Durometer?

  1. 💎What is the durometer for?
    1. 💎Something more to know what it's for
  2. 💎Durometer Parts
  3. 💎Durometer operation
  4. The durometer and its importance
  5. 💎Durometer types
  6. 💎Characteristics of durometers
    1. 💎Likewise
  7. 💎Price of durometers

What is the durometer?, measure of resistance, gives us an idea that the materials are those that constitute the objects, instruments, appliances, utensils that bring comfort to the human being. Knowing the degree of hardness of a material allows the durability of the product, the security that the investment has been good.

💎What is the durometer for?

To know how hard a material is. The verification of a material for a given use. In the pharmaceutical industry to check the resistance or wear of capsules, packaging, sale, displacement and distribution. In addition to making sure that they do not negatively impact the intestinal digestive tract.

The use of zest, strength and wear in materials. The knowledge of whether a material is soft or hard. Its purpose is to measure the hardness property in materials to ensure the use and safety of the material. Check the hardness of the material without damaging the sample. Obtaining a greater appreciation of the selected material.

💎Something more to know what it's for

To achieve the strength of plastics (thermoplastics, fiberglass, reinforced plastic). For grating samples of materials. The guarantee of the quality of materials in the manufacturing, metallurgical industry (testing the hardness of copper, aluminum, lead). In construction to assess the strength of the basic safety standards.

To determine the types of materials. In measuring the hardness of elastomers, rubber, rubber, polyethylene resins, neoprene, PVC. Its measurement allows to obtain buildings built with efficiency and safety. It is used to measure the resistance of electrical devices, moving parts of equipment, in the manufacture of cars and ceramics.

What is the durometer?
What is the durometer

💎Durometer Parts

It is an apparatus that serves to measure the hardness of materials, by means of different procedures. There are several types of durometer and each one is made up of basic fundamental parts. The body, it is who generates the load that will be projected on the material, they are standardized.

The indenter or indenter, are of different types depending on the need due to the material that needs to be used in the measurement process. They always leave their mark on the sample and standarized. It is placed on the outermost surface of the appliance. The indicator consists of a screen where you can read the readings after the measurement.

It also indicates what type of identifier the equipment uses.

The parts of a durometer can vary depending on the type of durometer and the manufacturer, but here are the common parts found in most durometers:

  1. Housing: This is the outer casing of the durometer that protects the internal components and provides a handle for the operator to hold.
  2. Indicator: This is the part of the durometer that displays the hardness reading, either as a dial with a needle or as a digital display.
  3. Force Application Unit: This is the part of the durometer that applies the force to the material being tested. It typically consists of a plunger or indenter that is pressed into the material, with the force being measured and displayed as the hardness reading.
  4. Load Cell: This is the part of the durometer that measures the force applied by the force application unit. It is typically a transducer that converts the mechanical force into an electrical signal, which is then displayed as the hardness reading.
  5. Calibration Screw: This is a screw that is used to calibrate the durometer, ensuring that it is providing accurate and repeatable readings.
  6. Power Source: This is the source of power for the durometer, which can be a battery or an external power supply, depending on the model.
  7. Output Port: This is an optional part of the durometer that allows for the hardness readings to be transmitted to an external device, such as a computer or printer, for data analysis and storage.
  8. Foot: This is the part of the durometer that is placed on the material being tested, helping to ensure that the force application unit is perpendicular to the material and that the readings are accurate.

The specific parts and their design will vary depending on the type of durometer and the manufacturer, but these are the common parts found in most durometers.

💎Durometer operation

In the process of measuring a basic durometers, the material to be studied is selected.  It normalizes the apparatus, choosing the force to be applied taking into account the hardness of the sample.  Choose the indenter that is already standardized according to the characteristics of the material to be analyzed.  Visualize the footprint left by the penetrator.

From the depth the degree of hardness is obtained. This cut allows to know the resistance. That is to say, this method consists of exerting a force on a surface through a penetrator that can be made of steel ball or conical tip for very hard materials. To find out what the hardness of the material given on the indicator screen is contracted with a shore scale table.

As far as a digital durometer is concerned, the sample is chosen, the force is regulated, the measurement is carried out.When the fingerprint is made in the form of a depth, it is automatically transmitted by means of a spring attached to the watch. Sending it to the indicator screen where the estimated value will be displayed.

Knowing the shear strength of the sample surface

The durometer and its importance

Starting from the beginning of time where man was discovering how to increase his comfort in the world. This required a method for the study of the hardness of stones and minerals, in order to use them. The German Mohs Friedrich, a scholar and passionate about geology, established the method for measuring the hardness of rocks and minerals.

Today it is known as the Mohs scale, in this order of ideas at present it has been technologically advanced through more precise procedures to measure hardness. Which acquire a vital importance because it gives us access to the knowledge of the degree of hardness with great precision, to study the response to penetration, zest or cut.

What is the durometer?
What is the durometer

💎Durometer types

There are several types of durometers, each designed to measure the hardness of specific materials and/or to conform to specific industry standards. Some of the most common types of durometers are:

  1. Shore A Durometer: This type of durometer is used to measure the hardness of soft to medium-hard materials, such as rubber, plastic, and similar materials. The Shore A scale ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 being the softest and 100 being the hardest.
  2. Shore D Durometer: This type of durometer is used to measure the hardness of harder materials, such as polycarbonates and similar materials. The Shore D scale ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 being the softest and 100 being the hardest.
  3. IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degree) Durometer: This type of durometer is used to measure the hardness of rubber and similar materials, and is specified by international standards such as ISO 48. The IRHD scale ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 being the softest and 100 being the hardest.
  4. Rockwell Durometer: This type of durometer is used to measure the hardness of metals and other materials that are too hard to be measured using the Shore A or Shore D scales. The Rockwell scale ranges from 20 to 100, with 20 being the softest and 100 being the hardest.
  5. Barcol Durometer: This type of durometer is used to measure the hardness of composite materials, such as fiber-reinforced plastics and similar materials. The Barcol scale ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 being the softest and 100 being the hardest.

Each type of durometer is designed to measure the hardness of specific materials and/or to conform to specific industry standards, and it is important to select the appropriate type of durometer for your specific application

💎Characteristics of durometers

The durometers have different designs, they have certain characteristics that do not vary, their structure in the body are glued pieces that make it work. The conical steel or diamond tip is the one that attacks the material. The measurement reading display. The panel, where the apparatus is calibrated.

Platform, where the table durometers are adjusted, are where the sample is located to perform the analysis. For an analog, mechanical durometer like shore the characteristics are, it is portable it works with shore hardness scale, it has an analog clock that when it rests on the surface to be measured indicates the scale from 0 to 100.

  1. Measurement range: Durometers typically have a specified measurement range, for example, from 0 to 100 Shore A. The range indicates the range of hardness values that can be measured by the instrument.
  2. Accuracy: Durometers are designed to provide accurate and repeatable hardness measurements. The accuracy of a durometer can be affected by factors such as temperature, operator technique, and the type of material being tested.
  3. Repeatability: Repeatability refers to the ability of a durometer to produce the same hardness reading on the same material under the same conditions. High repeatability is important for consistent and reliable measurements.
  4. Type: Durometers can be classified into different types, such as Shore A, Shore D, and IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degree), each with their own measurement range and suitability for different materials.
  5. Load force: Durometers apply a specific load force when measuring the hardness of a material. The load force is typically specified by the manufacturer and can affect the accuracy of the measurement.
  6. User-friendliness: Durometers are designed to be user-friendly, with features such as easy-to-read displays, simple operation, and compact design for portability.
  7. Durability: Durometers are often used in demanding environments, such as industrial settings, and need to be durable and able to withstand heavy use and harsh conditions.


There are several models that depend on their scale, for shore there are of little achieved value and of much achieved value. Shore types emphasize the shore. Type A with or without needle and weighing one kilo. It can be converted into a tabletop instrument with a stand.A with weight 1 Kg plus indicator needle at the higher value. Shore C, B, D, E, O, AO, DO, OO, OOO among others.

With needle indicating the value reached. Color screen 7’, 800 x 480. 8 GB memory, Power supply 12V+/- 25% / 1.5 A. Connectors, USB, probe. Dimensions, 250 x 162 x 62. Weight, 1525 g including the battery. In electrochemical systems made with polymers, duration, with duration of 8 hrs more or less. Certified by the European Community.

💎Price of durometers

Durometers can vary in price depending on the type of material and the manufacturer. The cost can range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars, depending on the specific model and features.

Here are a few well-known durometer manufacturers and links to their websites:

  1. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments: https://www.ssi.shimadzu.com
  2. Harvard Apparatus: https://www.harvardapparatus.com
  3. Brinell: https://www.brinell.com
  4. Instron: https://www.inston.com
  5. Mitutoyo: https://www.mitutoyo.com

It is always a good idea to compare prices and features of different models from different manufacturers to find the best option for your specific needs.

Keep in mind that durometers can also be purchased from scientific and industrial supply companies, such as Amazon, Grainger, and MSC Industrial Supply.


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