The differences between the precision balance and the analytical, are related to the scientific importance in laboratories of chemistry, biology and research. Where the balance plays a role relevant to accurately- accurately measure the masses. In order to analyze the substances or samples to be used in the preparation of solve.
✨What is an analytical balance?
It is an apparatus that is used to measure the mass in small quantities below the milligram (0.1 U – 0.1 mg). An apparatus manufactured under the standards of precision and accuracy, therefore, the environment surrounding it must be controlled. This refers to the place of location of the scale (the room where it will be should be free of ventilation.
With the temperature controlled between 45 °C and 60 °C, to avoid errors in the weighing reading. Free of dust, humidity, minimal windows, with only one entrance. The counter or table where it is placed should be flat, be located near the bases of the building structure. Built in rigid stone, cement to free it from vibrations, give it stability and allow it to be weighed accurately.
The scale is located in a place where it is not directly affected by the sun's rays since the heat affects the measurement made. It was invented by Black Joseph (1750). It is used to determine the weight of masses less than a milligram. With it, the amount of mass of a particle, molecule, substances, precipitates is calculated, for correct analysis.
✨Something more about the analytical balance
They are used in the laboratories of chemistry, biology, in scientific research. Where accuracy measurements are necessary. Accompanied by precautions in its handling to obtain reliable, safe, correct and accurate results. It is a balance with extreme accuracy compared to the others that exist on the market.
It has an impressive degree of sensitivity, any factor (heat, cold, air, humidity, dust) affects the weight obtained. Able to capture weight change in objects less than 0.001 mg up to 200 grams or less, delivering accurate data. It is a more precise, accurate scale created by man.
✨What is a precision balance?
This type of balance is used in laboratories where measurements of small samples are required. It is limited to a precise number of top loading, weighs specific quantities from 0.01 grams up to 10 or 20 Kilograms depending on its type. They are more accurate than the compact ones but less than the analytical one. You can make use of them by moving them to different places where it is needed and it has several configurations.
It is not closed by a capsule but by a lid, they are used in the pharmaceutical industry, in the production of goods. In industrial operations, in the manufacture of supplies, in jewelry, in the food industry. In the cosmetic and beauty industry, in the home and kitchen, in agriculture, to weigh loaded vehicles.
They call it a scale because of its broad resemblance to it, in a small version. It is an apparatus that automatically measures the mass of an object with a division of 0.1 grams. It is possible to weigh gases or objects with capacities ranging from 2 to 2.5 Kg with precision 0.1 to 0.01 grams, from 100 to 200 grams with precision 1 mg to 0.001 grams.
In addition to 25 kg with accuracy of 0.05 grams. They are manufactured to provide accurate results within their capacity range. The units of measurement are for soap powder, grain (0.001 gram = 1 mg/ 0.001 gram = 10 mg), for gold, precious stones, gems carat. It is a non-automatic device that works with gravity to know the mass of the sample.
✨What is the difference between an analytical and precision balance?
The differences of precision balance and analytical
they lie in the principles of operation, designs and standards of
metrology that governs them.
✨The analytical balance
It is the most used at present, it does not use standard measurements (weights). On the other hand, it has a counterweight mechanism, it has a single plate to place the sample to be weighed, it consists of an electromagnetic system. It also has an extraordinary accuracy, precision and precision. As for its measuring capacity, it is thousandth and ten thousandth (low weights).
It is delicate and sensitive to environmental conditions, it is used in quantitative analysis studies. It is worked with in a certain place with specific conditions. They are more accurate in heavy ones but with lower capacity, with higher resolution depending on the type of balance and more expensive. It owns a protective cabin, with higher accuracy, sensitivity.
✨The precision balance
It is currently deprecated, it is a lever, it uses weights (pattern). Therefore it has no counterweight system, it exhibits two plates. Also internally it has a blade system, it is more precise than the compact ones, with greater weight capacity. They also have a mechanical system, with the ability to measure maximum 0, 001 grams.
It does not have any sensitivity, so it can be moved from the workplace, they are not delicate. It is used in the field of medicine, pharmaceuticals where its capacity and readability are useful. Widely used in the production industry, food, jewelry. It has lower sensitivity and accuracy than the analytical one from 1 mg to 2.5 Kg depending on the model.
It is very simple and does not require such precision. It does not need specific conditions for its operation, used by all kinds of users or outdoors. It is used for clinical tests, in the sale of products by weight, less accurate when showing the weight. With greater weight capacity, its resolution reaches up to 0.1 mg depending on the scale, less expensive and does not have a protective cabin.
✨Types of analytical and precision balances
Analytical balances according to the technology, are the mechanical ones, who have one or two plates, do not use counterweight, nor do they measure small particles in the substance, nor are they used in laboratories. Electronic scales, are the most widely used in laboratories, surpasses mechanical in the ability to read the weight of materials.
According to their design, the electronic ones have a design with a protective cabin, their capacity ranges from 0.01 mg to more or less 200 grams. They should not be moved because they are affected by external conditions in their weighing. The precision balance, according to the technology / brand, the tanitas are preferred by professionals for having superior technology.
With high standards, with various applications. The ohaus, has high precision, are durable, widely used in industrial laboratories. Rodwarg, are very useful in any environment because accurate and reliable results are obtained. Mettler, offer an incredible performance in weighing, are fast and efficient. With an automatic internal calibration method.
The differences of the precision balance and the analytical one, give us an idea of the technological advances. Generated in these devices to adapt to current demands, I invite you to read and reread this article. As many times as you need to digest the information. Reference: