What is the dissolution process

In a solvent, solution involves a change in solution of the solute with the solvent during the transfer of the soluble molecule. Solute molecules separate from other molecules and make room for solute molecules to fit together. Therefore, decomposition will only occur when the solvent and solute are mutually attracted to each other to a sufficient degree to overcome the solute-solute interactional attractive forces for both solvent-solvent and solute-solvent interactions . Although these entries, the strength may be different.

The forces of attraction planted between polar molecules are quite strong compared to those present between polar and non-polar molecules. Therefore, in a polar solute with admirable intermolecular interactions, the transfer of solute molecules in solution only occurs when the solvent such as water is also polar, since non-polar solvents such as benzene will not be able to attract the appropriate attraction in the molecule. therefore the separation of other solute molecules.

Contrary to this, the intermolecular attraction of non-polar substances such as paraffin wax is relatively weak, therefore, the dissolution of these substances occurs when the solvent-solute integration is stronger than the solvent-solvent interaction. Between polar solvent molecules, a marked intermolecular association such as water is used to prevent the dissolution of a nonpolar solute, and so the solute tends to self-control in nonpolar liquids such as benzene.

The above thought can be summarized as if a nonpolar solvent dissolves a nonpolar solute and a polar solvent dissolves a polar solute. However, this general view should be used with caution, because the intermolecular interaction related to the dissolution process is influenced by factors that are not responsible for the polarity of the molecule.


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