What is Dynamic Link Capability?

The binding capacity of a reverse phase medium is quantitative, confirming its ability under static conditions to adsorb analytes or solute molecules. Dynamic link capacity determines the link capacity available at a given rate. For The quantity of analyte which will bind to a medium corresponds to the concentration of ligand immobilized in the medium and, moreover, depends on the type of molecule which is adsorbed.

The dynamic binding capability it depends on the experimental conditions during binding, the specific physical and chemical properties of the molecule, and reverses the properties of the phase medium. Bead porosity is an important factor affecting bonding ability. The entire hydrophobic surface of macroporous media is accessible to the binding analyte. Large solute molecules can be expelled from small pore size media and only a small fraction of the entire hydrophobic surface will be utilized. When the highest binding capacity is required, a medium containing large pores will be used to allow all molecules of interest to enter independently.


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