Applications of conductometry

Conductometric applications

The applications of conductivity are mentioned as follows.

  • The purity of water can be determined by conductimetry.
  • The solubility of sparingly soluble salts, such as sulphate, lead sulphate and barium, is determined by conductivity.
  • It can be used for the determination of the salinity of sea water.
  • The alkalinity of fresh water can be determined by conductometry.
  • It can be used for the determination of the ionic product of water.
  • Can be used for conductometric evaluation.
  • It can be used for determination of chemical equilibrium in ionic reactions.
  • The purity of demineralised and distilled water can be determined by conductimetry.
  • It can be used for the determination of the basicity of organic acids.
  • It is used in the quantitative analysis of compounds.
  • It can be used for the determination of the concentration of deuterium ions in water.
  1. Conductometric applications
    1. The applications of conductivity are mentioned as follows.

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